Short descrip­ti­on

Know­ledge Is Power is our new beer series to increase fla­vor inten­si­ty and deve­lop and impro­ve the com­ple­xi­ty of our beers. We want to trans­la­te sci­en­ti­fic fin­dings into liquid sto­ry expe­ri­en­ces you can enjoy.

In Know­ledge Is Power #1 we bre­wed a hazy IPA with cori­an­der seeds. By doing that we want to enhan­ce the hop aro­ma and add mul­ti­ple lay­ers to the hop pro­fi­le of our beer wit­hout being domi­nant in its own aro­ma. For reasons of com­pa­ri­son we bre­wed the same IPA wit­hout cori­an­der seeds at the same time. 

Malts: Pils­ner malt, Chit malt
Hop varie­ties : Citra, Cen­ten­ni­al
Spe­cial­ty: Cori­an­der seeds


We are always on the hunt for fin­dings to impro­ve our beers and our know­ledge about it. India Pale Ale beca­me a sort of a syn­onym for this craft beer move­ment and this beer­style expe­ri­en­ced a huge altera­ti­on over the last deca­de. , appar­ent­ly rea­ching its upper limit in terms of inno­va­ti­on and making new breath­ta­king expe­ri­en­ces. The pos­si­bi­li­ty to com­mu­ni­ca­te with every crea­ti­ve bre­wery in a glo­bal net­work — bes­i­des all the bene­fits of it — seems to be respon­si­ble for an evol­ving lack of uni­que­ness due to shared tech­ni­ques and pro­ces­ses. This is the bre­wers side. One the other side we see a cus­to­mer who cra­ves for a cer­tain fla­vor in a nar­row ran­ge in his IPAs while deman­ding for new, inno­va­tio­nal crea­ti­ons on a dai­ly basis just to drink it once. From a bre­wers per­spec­ti­ve the avail­abli­ty of dif­fe­rent hop varie­ties — and the­r­e­fo­re dif­fe­rent IPAs — is too big to not meet the needs and, simul­ta­neous­ly, the Time-to-Mar­ket-Win­dow is too small to be able to work on new and reasonable crea­ti­ons wit­hout to be scared to be left behind.
With our Know­ledge Is Power-Series we want to reach the next stage, the next level of bre­wing IPAS to hop­eful­ly escape from the hunt of dif­fe­rent sin­gle bre­wed IPAs every month . This Know­ledge Is Power-Series is not rest­ric­ted to IPAs only, but for this cer­tain style we have alre­a­dy a lot of dif­fe­rent ide­as and pre-deve­lo­p­ment-work going on right now.

In the end of the day we want you to be part of this sto­ry to be able to gain as much know­ledge as pos­si­ble for all of us!

This is Know­ledge Is Power #1

Our first beer of this series is an IPA bre­wed with cori­an­der seeds. We think we don’t need to men­ti­on that put­ting cori­an­der seeds into a beer is a world­wi­de novel­ty and we are the first ones who come up with this idea. Cori­an­der seeds and bre­wing beer share an old histo­ry with dif­fe­rent beer styl­es like Gose or Wit­bier which are known for their distinc­ti­ve fla­vor pro­files gene­ra­ted by the infu­si­on of cori­an­der seeds during the bre­wing pro­cess. And just becau­se of that, we’­ve thought that cori­an­der seeds would be the per­fect fit for the first edi­ti­on of this series.
Some of the com­pon­ents (Lina­lool and Gera­ni­ol to be spe­ci­fic) which are respon­si­ble for the cha­rac­te­ristic aro­ma of cori­an­der seeds are also found in some of our favo­ri­te hops we are using for IPAs.
In this case we want to use the cori­an­der seeds to increase the amount of lina­lool and gera­ni­ol sol­ved in the unfer­men­ted wort and finis­hed beer. Also with bio­trans­for­ma­ti­on during acti­ve fer­men­ta­ti­on play­ing its part, hig­her gera­ni­ol-levels means hig­her beta-citro­nel­lol levels in the finis­hed beer.
All three com­pon­ents work well tog­e­ther and seem to have a signi­fi­cant impact on the per­cep­ti­on of citrus­sy and frui­ty aro­mas. Increased levels of Lina­lool, Gera­ni­ol and Beta-Citro­nel­lol should increase the inten­si­ty of the­se desi­ra­ble aro­mas wit­hout being just a hop­py wit­bier. The cori­an­der seeds were infu­sed in the whirl­pool at a rate of 0,05 kg per hl.
So our goal is to impro­ve the over all hop pro­fi­le, crea­ting a grea­ter fla­vor sta­bi­li­ty and to gain some com­ple­xi­ty wit­hout the pos­si­ble dis­ad­van­ta­ges of even hig­her hop­ping rates to get amped up levels of the­se three com­pon­ents into the finis­hed pro­duct. By say­ing this, the focus is on the hop pro­fi­le. We do not want to let the cori­an­der seeds shi­ne. Think about a spi­ce mix­tu­re like cur­ry or garam masa­la, whe­re dif­fe­rent ingre­di­ents crea­te almost a new uni­que flavor.


The sur­vey about this series helps us to accu­mu­la­te a huge amount of impres­si­ons and feed­back while having fun drin­king the­se beers. It is also to be unders­tood as a part of the naming of this series. A bet­ter know­ledge of our favo­ri­te bevera­ge can only be achie­ved when we all are able to share our expe­ri­en­ces, thoughts and impres­si­ons. We wel­co­me you to be part of it!
You will find the QR-Code to this sur­vey on every Know­ledge Is Power-Can and every keg has a card with the QR-Code on it as well, in hope to get as much feed­back as pos­si­ble no mat­ter if you are drin­king it from the can or draft in your favo­ri­te bar. 🙂

Prin­ci­pal lite­ra­tu­re for this beer: Takoi, Ito­ga et al. 2010 — The Con­tri­bu­ti­on of Gera­ni­ol Metabolism

Passion, Bier, dein Moment. Einfach Liquid Story
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