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Umfrage/Survey: KNOWLEDGE IS POWER #2 IPA co-fer­men­ted with wine yeast

Unse­re Serie “Know­ledge Is Power” geht in die zwei­te Run­de! Das Wort der Stun­de beim Brau­en von IPAs lau­tet “Thio­le”. Thio­le sind Schwe­fel­ver­bin­dun­gen, mit einem unglaub­li­chen Aro­ma­po­ten­zi­al, durch deren sehr gerin­gen Wahr­neh­mungs-/Ge­ruchs­schwel­len­wer­ten. Auf die ver­mehr­te Erzeu­gung die­ser Thio­le haben wir es beim Know­ledge is Power #2 durch das Zuge­ben einer Wein­he­fe abge­se­hen.
Wenn du mehr von der aktu­el­len Aus­ga­be unse­rer Know­ledge Is Power-Serie und des­sen Hin­ter­grün­de wis­sen möch­test, bekommst du die­se Infor­ma­tio­nen hier.

Part 2 of our beer series Know­ledge Is Power! The hot­test thing when tal­king about IPAs right now: Thi­ols! Thi­ols are aro­ma­tic sul­fur com­pounds with a super low sen­so­ry thres­hold. Unfort­u­na­te­ly com­mon beer yeast strains are not capa­ble of releasing the­se thi­ols from its bound pre­cur­ser form. Ins­tead of using one of the new “thio­li­zed” yeasts from Ome­ga etc., we co-fer­men­ted this edi­ti­on of our Know­ledge Is Power IPA with a wine yeast which is also known for its capa­bi­li­ty to release tho­se thi­ols from their bound form. It’s the same yeast we’­ve used in our first com­mer­cial beer First Steps almost two years ago. Same yeast, refi­ned pro­cess.
If you are loo­king for fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on about this part of the series you will find them here.