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Umfrage/Survey: KNOWLEDGE IS POWER #1 IPA with cori­an­der seeds

Wir hei­ßen dich will­kom­men zum Start unse­rer neu­en Serie “Know­ledge Is Power”. Im Rah­men die­ser Serie wer­den wir immer wie­der Bie­re mit einem neu­en, viel­ver­spre­chen­den Ansatz brau­en. Par­al­lel zum eigent­li­chen Expe­ri­ment wer­den wir auch immer ein Refe­renz­bier ein­brau­en, um das gan­ze ver­gleich­bar zu machen. Damit der Name der Serie auch wirk­lich greift, möch­ten wir euch mit ins Boot holen und mit­hil­fe einer Umfra­ge den größt­mög­li­chen Wis­sens­ge­winn gene­rie­ren.
Wenn du mehr von der aktu­el­len Aus­ga­be unse­rer Know­ledge Is Power-Serie und des­sen Hin­ter­grün­de wis­sen möch­test, bekommst du die­se Infor­ma­tio­nen hier.

Gre­at to have you here! We want to wel­co­me you to our new beer series Know­ledge Is Power. In this series we want to brew beers with a sci­en­ti­fic back­ground. Whe­ther it refers to the ingre­di­ents we use or the pro­cess steps we app­ly during bre­wing our beers. For reasons of com­pa­ri­son we will also brew a refe­rence beer for each part of this series. Becau­se of the name of this series, the fol­lo­wing beers are more than just a beer, it’s a way to gain even more know­ledge about our favo­ri­te bevera­ge and we want you to be part of this sto­ry! By atten­ding this sur­vey you will help us to gain as much impres­si­ons and know­ledge as pos­si­ble to impro­ve our beers in the future even more.
If you are loo­king for fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on about this part of the series you will find them here.